Soaked in Uncertainty

When the skies over your life split open, and chaos seems to rain out of the heavens, your soul feels soaked through and through. Like damp denim clinging to your skin, heaviness and fear appear to cloak themselves around you making it difficult to move in any one direction. Like a drowning man flailing to break through the watery surface you rail against everything that threatens to drown you. The more you struggle against it, the more you feel yourself slipping under, fatigued, afraid, and desperate. 

This is the feeling of uncertainty, that unsure first step off the boat toward a water walking Savior, that precedes every awesome move of God in your life. This is not the crowd you are walking away from, leaving them gobsmacked in a bobbing boat, these are your friends, nay your brothers in Christ. And still, your heart longs to go where He is. This feeling we know so well, the one that makes your heart swell in your chest like a Grinch who learns to love, stretching the confines of his chest with an overwhelming love, pulls you out of what you have known into what you only dared to dream was possible. This faith-filled love draws your usually steadfast feet to the edge of your situation and begs the question, “…Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee…” (Matthew 14:28) 

In this moment normalcy, safety, assuredness, and the status quo no longer romance you as it once did. Instead, you embrace the torrential rains, the uncertainty, the risk of failure and looking like a fool and step out. And there He is, closer and closer still. Your eyes on Christ, His hands stretched to you, this is the love you searched for throughout every day of your life. This love makes you braver than you ever thought, bolder than you could have ever imagined, and closer to the miraculous than you have ever been. Yes, fear may make you stumble and start to sink along the way, but your eyes dart frantically back to Him, the Christ who bid you come, and you keep moving forward. Staying in the boat is not a sin but, stepping out into the unknown, embracing the possibility and harnessing the storm brings you to another level of His promise. Don’t fight the storms that come in your life, slip your fear trembling hands into that of our Abba Father and let the force of the winds blow you closer to the place He is leading you. Trust in His Word and “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” Deuteronomy 31:6


The Feeling of Being Loved